Title | D7.1 Evidence-based policy reports and recommendations |
Creator | Catherine Cummings, Charlotte Waelde (UNIEXE) |
Contributor | – |
Subject | Policy reports and recommendations |
Description |
This deliverable draws together all the main themes and research findings of the RICHES project. A SWOT analysis is manifested in a series of Policy Briefs and Think Papers that are evidence based policy reports, foresight studies and recommendations focusing mainly on opportunities to provide a forward looking approach. The Policy Briefs make specific recommendations and guidelines based on RICHES research and are aimed at European, national and regional policy-makers and other interested stakeholders. The priorities identified by RICHES aim to shape policy and should be adopted and implemented by policy-makers in the planning of their initiatives. The reports and recommendations lay out the main themes, opportunities and problems for policy makers with recommendations about how to overcome any barriers and exploit opportunities in the context of change. The Think Papers are shorter documents aimed at a more general audience to raise awareness of the themes addressed in RICHES and raise questions about issues and themes in the RICHES project to stimulate debate and future thinking around the various topics addressed in the project.
Publisher | RICHES Project |
Date | May 2016 |
Type | Report |
Format | PDF, 12.4 Mb |
Source | – |
Language | English |
Rights Management | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons |