Title D6.1 Access, Participation, Learning: Digital strategies for audience engagement with cultural heritage in museums and libraries
Creator Katerina Charatzopoulou, Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Andrea Prehn (SPK)
Contributor Amalia Sabiescu, Eline Kieft and Tim Hammerton (COVUNI)
Bahadir Aydinonat, Hakan Koray Ozluk (KYGM)
Claudio Prandoni, Mercè Lopez, Tania Masi, Valentina Bachi, Claudia Pierotti (PROMOTER)
Subject Digital strategies for audience engagement with cultural heritage in museums and libraries
This report examined strategies and approaches for deepening audience engagement with digitally mediated cultural heritage, by means of case studies, interviews, and a survey of the literature and Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) institutional documentation. The study engaged with a rich and still blooming field of research and practice, which is made every year more complex through the joint inputs and thinking of GLAM professionals and researchers. In particular, there are two broad sets of trends that have been taken into consideration for shaping this study and overviewed for better understanding and outlining GLAM strategies for audience engagement.
Publisher RICHES Project
Date May 2016
Type Report
Format PDF, 6.29 Mb
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons