Title D7.2 Online resources for living heritage
Creator Dick van Dijk (WAAG)
Subject Co-creation practices
Within the RICHES project, co-creation is regarded as an important strategy for cultural heritage professionals to deal with the context of change. The preparatory stage of a cocreation process is very important: to exchange the world views of all people involved early on in the process, to talk about the impact that is aimed for, to realise the consequences of what participants are getting into, to be realistic about the skills that that they will need. To design how a team of cultural heritage professionals would work with their stakeholders, this toolkit allows them to playfully explore what it means to work in co-creation at a very early stage in their process.
The toolkit consists of:
– game master instructions, that will guide participants through the session;
– a printable mat with three (coloured) circles, helping to physically ‘lay out’ the resulting conversation on the table;
– collaborative exercise cards, containing instructions for the brainstorm;
– canvasses, helping to visualise or storyboard ideas;
– method cards, illustrating frequently used co-creation methods to choose from.
Publisher RICHES Project
Date May 2016
Type Report
Format PDF, 1.88 Mb
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons